Wisconsin Badgers

Ender's Game

Author's Note:There are points in a book at which it is so slow that you can't think of anything to write about. There is also the opposite. I am at a point at which, there is too much going on, and I can't decide what to write about. I simply tried to make something enjoyable, that wasn't so long that people wouldn't read it. I tried for something poetic, which is my main weakness. I basically, wrote my thoughts. 
P.S. It sounds cooler if you read it with emphasis, but read it kind-of slowly.

Wouldn't it be cool if you were a genius?
Wouldn't it be cool if you could spend a couple minutes with someone, and almost understand their thoughts by the way they acted?
Wouldn't it be cool if you could bounce around a giant sphere shaped room, with no gravity, and freeze people with a laser gun?
Wouldn't it be cool if the whole world depended on you, to save all of mankind from an alien invasion?
Wouldn't it be cool if you could pass a college-level exam, when you're only six years old?
Wouldn't it be cool, if your brother and sister could have their own news column, and be respected for their brilliance, all the way across the world?
Wouldn't it be cool, if you could communicate, faster than the speed of light?
Wouldn't it be cool, if you, were Ender Wiggin?
Wouldn't it be cool...

Author's Note: I'm at a slow part in my book, and this is pretty much how I feel. I hope it isn't too confusing, and I'm sorry that it is so short.

What in the world is going to happen next? That is what I asked myself after reading this afternoon. So far, Ender is in Battle School, and it's obvious that they're training him to lead a war, but the only catch? I'm only a quarter of the way through the book. I know that some authors can get pretty creative with their writing, but I simply don't see how you can make 200 more pages of Ender doing what he's doing right now without getting to repetitive. Sure, you can have Ender do practice games, and training, and promote him all you want, but there is NO WAY that they can dig 200 pages out of this, atleast not without having some big event occur. The problem I'm having is, what in the world could that thing be?

Author's Note: I wrote about this as I thought it was a fascinating part in my book.
P.S. I'm going to try and break free from my same-old essay format a bit and try to experiment.

Imagine yourself walking into a room with no gravity. Which way's up? Which way's down? You have no idea. All of a sudden someone points a laser gun at you. They pull the trigger, and nothing happens. You start to laugh at them, but then you try to move your legs, and you realize that they won't budge. Startled, you pull your own laser gun, and start freezing your friends, soon, everyone is frozen, and an adult comes in to unfreeze everyone. Then, they order you back to your cabin, and everyone shuffles back to their bunk. On the way, a few kids stop in the game room, to practice killing aliens, and then continue to your team's room. Everyone studies on their desk (a giant interactive screen/ ipad type thing) and goes to sleep. In the morning, you practice your battle skills some more, and maneuver through floating objects, or practice dodging older recruits, and then hurry off to lunch. This is a pretty typical day for Ender Wiggin, a genius, only age 7, who has been scouted out by a secret military-government group, who is training leaders to lead an upcoming war. Most kids just stick to the routine, but not Ender, he's special, and therefore the leaders of the school have something special in store for Ender. Read Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card, to figure out what that is.

Author's Note: I tried to write something that was interesting, but still wasn't a summary.
Are you a genius? Then you share something in common with Ender, a boy genius that is being tracked by the government. For the past three years of his life, he has had a monitor in his head so that the government can see, hear, and feel, what he does. So far, I can put together context clues to figure out that the reason they're tracking him is to have him lead a war against aliens. His siblings are also geniuses, but they didn't qualify for some reason.There are many clues in the first chapter indicate that Ender will be leading a war against aliens.

The first clue that I found is the monitor. Since they don't have that type of thing now, I can assume that this is in the future. You can't really say that something is "incorrect" about someone's view of the future, because it hasn't happened yet. For all we know, there could be flying cars in the future, or even an alien invasion. Another clue I found was when Ender fought against his brother, Peter. Ender war an alien mask, because his brother made him, and Peter war an astronaut helmet. I feel that this could be some kind of clue from the author, especially how badly the kids talked about the aliens.There are many clues that indicate an alien invasion, and these are just a couple main ones.

I therefore conclude that due to Ender's monitor, and his fight against Peter, he will probably be fighting against an alien invasion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ALIENS!!!!!! Anyway I like how you predicted what was going to be in the book and I think you could write a piece when the alien invasion is actually happening.

  3. I would have never thought that. When I am reading a book, I never really thought about what was going to happen in the future. And I could definetely hear your voice in this piece. Nicely done.

  4. I agree with Mr. Johnson, you did a very good job with text evidence and it probably might be an alien invasion.

  5. This was a nice piece Evan. I liked how you connected the clues to possible future events.

  6. I really liked this piece, it had a good starting and a strong body. The text evidence and predictions were very good, too.

  7. It would be cool to be Ender Wiggem. You almost described the whole book in seven sentences.

  8. Evan, I like how you are consciously trying to do something different with the writing, but at the same time, I am looking for more structure in these pieces. They leave me searching for some sort of purpose that is more of a part of the writing. If I just look at these individual pieces as separate entries, it's hard to see how they can stand alone. I like how you are looking to go beyond the boundaries of essays in their conventional form, but all writing has a beginning, a middle, and an end. These don't have that, and as a result, they seem incomplete, and leave me as a reader, lost.
