Wisconsin Badgers

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Carbonated Killer

Do you really know what’s in a can of Diet Coke? Are you just going to believe that Diet Coke is good for you because it says “diet”? Although you may not think a simple can of Diet Coke could cause you much damage, you’re wrong. It is actually slowly eating away at you’re insides, without you even knowing. Diet Coke has been linked to a 61% increase in your chances of having a heart event (stroke, disease, etc.), and a 30% decrease in kidney function, and yet, we still drink it anyway.

One way that Diet Coke is actually very damaging is because of how it tricks your body. Some studies suggest that when our taste buds sense sweetness, the body expects a calorie load to accompany it. When that doesn’t happen, due to the artificial sweeteners in Diet Coke, it may cause us to overeat. This is because we crave the energy rush our body was expecting, and we need to catch up. We do this by eating, and often too much, and get fat. The scary part is, you may do all of this without even thinking that you are craving food. You probably just think of this as hunger, even though it is your body trying to catch up with the artificial sweeteners.

Another way that both Diet and Regular Coca Cola are not beneficial is due to one of Coca Cola’s main ingredients, phosphoric acid. Phosphoric acid has a pH level of 2.8, and can dissolve a steak in 2 days, and a nail in 4. So why do you want this in your body? Think of your body as a giant steak, getting eaten away by the soda lurking in your body. In addition, phosphoric acid causes calcium to be excreted from your body at a pace more rapid than normal. As a result, your bones lose calcium and have trouble keeping up with demand. This causes your bone health to drop significantly.

Aside from being a refreshment, Coca Cola also has many other (slightly concerning) uses. In many U.S. states, the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coca Cola in the trunk to remove blood from the highway after a car accident. Also, you can apply Coca Cola to car battery terminals to bubble away corrosion, or to clean rust spots from chrome car bumpers. You can even use Coca Cola to loosen a stuck bolt. In fact, the distributers of Coca Cola have been using it to clean the engines of their delivery trucks for about 20 years! Both Diet and regular Coca Cola does all of this, and yet, people still drink it on a regular basis?

As you now know, there are many aspects of Diet Coke that are very damaging to your body. Its artificial sweeteners make you gain weight, and its highly corrosive acids are literally eating away at your insides. Although the label may say, “diet”, that doesn’t make it healthy. Diet Coke is a killer, no matter what labels people put on the can. And if the delivery truck for Diet Coke has to use a warning sticker for “highly corrosive materials”, why should you drink it? Think of all of the cold hard facts that are in front of you. Now, would you like a Diet Coke?

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