Wisconsin Badgers

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Nightmare

Author's Note: This is a FICTIONAL piece I wrote, inspired my my winter break, during which my family went skiing out west. No, this didn't actually happen to me, or anybody, I hope you enjoy it. Please comment and tell me what was good or bad.

Although Jack was unsure that he could tackle the nightmare, his friends had pressured him into doing so. There was no turning back now, he was already on the chairlift, rising up to his doom, slowly, he glanced down. There it was. The nightmare. So steep that professional skiiers from all around the world came to try and survive it. Finally, they got to the top. He looked down, and started to shake in nervousness. His friends were standing there laughing, then he felt a push. He stumbled forward , and started to glide down the hill. He started off okay, doing some usual turns and such, when he saw a small bump ahead.  He tried to swerve to the right, but his skiies hit an icey patch. He twisted sideways and flew off the bump. He felt weightless as he peered down through his crossed skiis to see nothing but 30 feet of air underneath him. He felt his stomach turn as he plummeted to his doom. Ten seconds later, he heard a loud "CRUNCH!"

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