Wisconsin Badgers

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The E.A.W.C.

They cleared the fake security gate as Wilson shot the guard with his custom 2001fps Airsoft Sniper Rifle. He motioned to Stanley, who swiveled the truck around and slowed down just slow enough so that he could jump in the truck bed. He slammed down the sniper and took position of the gattling gun (also airsoft) which was mounted on the roof. He prepared for the war to come, and stuck his semi-auto airsoft pistols into his side holsters.  Glen took out his G36C, and aimed it out the passenger window.  The first stage of the Airsoft World Championships (AWC) was about to start.

        One of the other teams advanced fast, but their 530fps guns were no match for the armored f150. Glen hit the driver with his G36C and they spun out. Stanley cheered as he shot his pistol out the window with one hand. Suddenly, they got cut off and Wilson almost flew over the truck as Stanley stomped on the brake.
“That was close,” said Glen.
“Too close,” Stanley replied. Stanley slowly stepped back on the gas again and they moved forward. There were only 3 teams remaining, and the trio steadied their grips on their guns. They were coming up on another team, with a truck twice their size.
“Whatever you do, don’t run into them,” said Glen.
“Don’t worry. I won’t.” They sped towards it, and just as the other team thought that they had them, Stanley dodged to the side, and Glen started open-firing on the truck. His expertise caused a pellet to fly straight into the driver’s temple, causing him to become unconscious. Wilson fired the gattling gun in the rear windows, hoping to get the remaining members of the team. They were, after all, the smallest team there, with only three people. They would have more recruits, but nobody could live up to their excellence. The other two teams were dueling on the other side of the stadium, and Stanley saw one of them flip over, which meant that there was only one team left. They spun around and went racing at their opponent, and when they were about ten yards away, Stanley pressed a button on the dash. All of a sudden, the car flew up in the air and did a flip over the other truck, the whole trio firing at the hopeless car below. The gattling gun destroyed the duct-tape windows, which had been put in as replacements, and Glen knocked out their entire team of about 8 in a mere 3 seconds. Yah. He was that good. Then, a bell rang, and the entire crowd cheered. The Trio had won the Extreme Airsoft World Championships. They jumped out of their truck, and went to collect their trophy, a gold statue of a kid holding an airsoft-gun, and as a team, they raised it in the air, so that everyone could see. These champions still live in disguise today, but no one, not even those entrusted with the secrecy of the Dojo, (it’s another story) know who they are, or where their location lies.

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